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1646 Presents: Artists In Residency Exchange And Christmas Drinks


18/12/2018 –
– 18/12

Presentations by: Kaleb de Groot, Quinsy Gario, Bernice Nauta and Bonno van Doorn.

On the 18th of December, Kaleb de Groot, Quinsy Gario, Bernice Nauta and Bonno van Doorn talked about their experiences as Artists in Residence at Kooshk in Teheran and Orbital Residency in Cantabria, Spain. After the talks we had a drink to celebrate the end of the year.

From 2017 and 2018, 1646 collaborated with the international Artist in Residency programs Kooshk and Orbital to promote cultural exchange of The Netherlands with Iran and Spain. In 2017, 1646 invited Kaleb de Groot to go the residency in Tehran and in 2018, 1646 sent Quincy Gario to the same residency. Meanwhile Bernice Nauta went to the residency Orbital in 2017, and just returned from his stay at Orbital is Bonno van Doorn. The exchange with the residency at Kooshk is part of a larger program, initiated by eight European embassies in Tehran.

During this time 1646 has received four guests as well: Raúl Hevia, Sara Masinaei and Farahnaz Jalilvand who presented their work previously at 1646.

Kooshk residency, established in mid 2014, is a cultural and artistic space in Tehran. Kooshk provides space for artists, curators, researchers, writers and filmmakers to encourage intercultural dialogue and art creation. Kooshk strives to contribute to development of Iranian art and culture through participation in international exchange programs with cultural institutes worldwide. These exchange programs allow blending of cultures, provoke creativity and foster beneficial connections among nations.

More information about Kooshk

Orbital Residency is a non-profit artist-in-residence programme for young and mid-career artists with the goal to promote their work while creating a network of artists, curators, institutions and other cultural agents from different places. It is focused on the exchange of knowledge, experiences and ideas within the framework of international contemporary art departing from a specific context. The programme ensures the development and presentation of the artists’ work, enriching both their proposals and their possibilities of projection and visibility. This programme also intends to create a space for collaboration and education that would help the cultural and artistic scene of the region.

More information about Orbital Residency

The presentations took place at Billytown inside the exhibition 24 kleurplaten, group exhibition with: Guillaume Bijl, Pim Blokker, Melle de Boer, Kim David Bots, Prosper Desmet, Afra Eisma, Johan Gustavsson, Paul de Jong, Maja Klaassens, Frank Koolen, Joost Krijnen, Marius Lut, Jos van Meerendonk, Maje Mellin & Enric Fort Ballaster, Bernice Nauta, Robbert Pauwels, Machteld Rullens, Maaike Schoorel, Lieven Segers, Dieuwke Spaans, Thomas Swinkels, Derk Thijs, Evi Vingerling, Henk Visch, Riette Wanders and Marieke van ’t Zet



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