From 2017 and 2018, 1646 collaborated with the international Artist in Residency programs Kooshk and Orbital to promote cultural exchange of The Netherlands with Iran and Spain. The exchange with the residency at Kooshk is part of a larger program, initiated by eight European embassies in Tehran.
1646 invited Kaleb de Groot to stay the Kooshk residency in Tehran Between 1-30 of November 2017, and Quincy Gario for the same residency between 1-31 of October 2018.
Meanwhile, 1646 invited Bernice Nauta to stay at the Orbital residency in Cantabria between 1-30 of November 2017, and Bonno van Doorn for the same residency between 1 of November – 1 of December 2018.
During this time 1646 has received four guests as well: Raúl Hevia, Sara Masinaei and Farahnaz Jalilvand who presented their work at 1646.
Kooshk residency, established in mid 2014, is a cultural and artistic space in Tehran. Kooshk provides space for artists, curators, researchers, writers and filmmakers to encourage intercultural dialogue and art creation. Kooshk strives to contribute to development of Iranian art and culture through participation in international exchange programs with cultural institutes worldwide. These exchange programs allow blending of cultures, provoke creativity and foster beneficial connections among nations.
Orbital Residency is a non-profit artist-in-residence programme for young and mid-career artists with the goal to promote their work while creating a network of artists, curators, institutions and other cultural agents from different places. It is focused on the exchange of knowledge, experiences and ideas within the framework of international contemporary art departing from a specific context. The programme ensures the development and presentation of the artists’ work, enriching both their proposals and their possibilities of projection and visibility. This programme also intends to create a space for collaboration and education that would help the cultural and artistic scene of the region.
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2512 CN Den Haag
Tel: (+31) 070 212 58 60
(10 tot 18 uur, maandag tot en met vrijdag)
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(Bekijk ons Programma)
Donderdag: 13:00 – 21:00
Vrijdag: 13:00 – 18:00
Zaterdag: 13:00 – 18:00
Zondag: 13:00 – 18:00
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Pasen (Zo 20-4-2025): Gesloten
Pinksteren (Zo 8-6-2025): Gesloten
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