As part of an exchange program with Kooshk Residency (Teheran, Iran) – with support from Embassy of The Netherlands in Tehran and the Iran-Europe Partnership Program – Sara Masinei (Iran, 1982) spent the month of February (2018) in residency in The Hague.
As part of the exchange, Dutch artist Kaleb De Groot followed a residency in Tehran in November (2017).
Through personal research and conversations and informal interviews, Masinaei aimed to achieve an alternative mapping of the city by means of a chain of text-based and visual material produced, assembled or collected over the duration of the residency. The results became part of a series that concluded in a cross-disciplinary archive. The findings were recorded through various mediums such as photography, audio and/or video recording, frottage and found objects.
On February 17th, Masinaei gave a lecture about her work based on video images of previous works and also presented a textual work that she developed during her stay in The Hague.
Kooshk residency, established in mid-2014, is a cultural and artistic space in Tehran. Kooshk provides space for artists, curators, researchers, writers and filmmakers to encourage intercultural dialogue and art creation. Kooshk strives to contribute to development of Iranian art and culture through participation in international exchange programs with cultural institutes worldwide. These exchange programs allow blending of cultures, provoke creativity and foster beneficial connections among nations. More information about Kooshk: http://kooshkresidency.com/
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