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Carmen Roca Igual



01/06/2020 –
– 28/08

Unlocked/Reconnected is an initiative that brings together a wide range of ‘houses of art’: museums, exhibition spaces, galleries, artist run initiatives and corporate collections — with around 200 participants in total. The project is driven by solidarity and aims to celebrate the reopening of art spaces across the board. The idea of Unlocked/Reconnected is to collectively reflect on notions of ‘home’. After months of homebound self-isolation at the behest of worldwide lockdown measurements, the project intends to collectively welcome visitors back in our ‘homes’.

Our contribution to Unlocked/Reconnected is Carmen Roca Igual’s video Novel, which was also on view during the 1646 Street View Cinema. The work offers a poignant reflection on ‘home life’ in times of the virus. With Novel, 1646 participated in Unlocked/Reconnected, celebrating the reopening.

Novel is a 20-minute dramatic musing on the external and internal masks we choose to put on. The video takes place at the beginning of the lock down in Spain. The characters (Lola, Rosa, Carmen and her Mother) are stuck at home and boredom starts to overcome them. Before long they question their own self image out loud as they begin to talk to and even gossip with selfies and inanimate objects. The girls go through an introspective journey, in a quarantine, accompanied by their phones and tablets. Their devices invent new gestures that affect our natural behaviors — like the flickering of a Face Filter with a slight tilt of the head to put our masks back on.


Over Carmen Roca Igual: Carmen de la Roca (geb. 1998, Parijs FR) werkt met fotografie, film, performance en installatie en onderzoekt met haar werk het menselijke gedrag en de sociale ‘makeup’ die we opdoen in relatie tot nieuwe media. Haar werk combineert identiteit, technologie, empowerment en de rol van nieuwe media, maar ook het nastreven van communicatie, spiritualiteit en connectie, wat voor velen een zoektocht is. Carmen onderzoekt door middel van ervaringen via fictieve karakters haar eigen karakter en dilemma’s uit de samenleving.

Roca Igual studeerde in 2020 af aan de Koninklijke Academie van de Beeldende Kunsten in Den Haag. Haar werk was geselecteerd voor het #AmLatino Film Festival en was genomineerd voor de Young Talent Award tijdens de Dutch Design Week. Ze assisteerde kunstenaars en filmmakers Amalia Ulman en Pauline Curnier Jardin, en haar werk is eerder getoond in Amsterdam, Kopenhagen, Rijeka en Den Haag.


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