1646 Experimental Art Space and AIM Network
Documentary short on 1646’s program and position as artist-run art space
Co-directors Clara Pallí Monguilod and Johan Gustavsson talk about 1646, its program and its position as artist-run art space in the center of The Hague. 1646 is part of AIM Network (Artists’ Initiatives’ Meetings Network), a European network of artist-run initiatives. It serves as a platform for exchange of experience, sharing of knowledge, increasing of mobility and cooperation between artist-run initiatives and to raise awareness of the artist-run sector within both professional art world and the broader public. The network currently has fifteen member spaces from across Europe and includes artists’ initiatives of various natures and from recently initiated to well-established spaces.
The feature was shot during Su Hui-Yu’s solo exhibition The Cinema of Séance.
Video made by Pounding Pictures
Boekhorststraat 125
2512 CN Den Haag
Tel: (+31) 070 212 58 60
(10 tot 18 uur, maandag tot en met vrijdag)
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Openingstijden tijdens tentoonstellingen:
(Bekijk ons Programma)
Donderdag: 13:00 – 21:00
Vrijdag: 13:00 – 18:00
Zaterdag: 13:00 – 18:00
Zondag: 13:00 – 18:00
Speciale dagen:
Pasen (Zo 20-4-2025): Gesloten
Pinksteren (Zo 8-6-2025): Gesloten
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