Tori Wrånes works mainly with performance, combining voice and sculpture as point of departure. In Tennis Cat Wrånes is looking for the connections between odd things. She has worked with the space as a sculpture in itself, imbedded in a marine carpet, turning the exhibition space into a combined cave and boat at the same time. The room is filled with sound as if you are on a mountain plateau: what you see and what you hear creates two different incompatible references. A lot of Wrånes work is based on sound, and the carpet in this installation is in fact doing the opposite of adding sound. It takes away sound of everyone’s steps and creates an almost invisible error between the visible and the audible. Tori Wrånes is interested in making errors, to make the brain run other errands than usual, in the glitches and erroneous connections that can occur.
Boekhorststraat 125
2512 CN Den Haag
Tel: (+31) 070 212 58 60
(10 tot 18 uur, maandag tot en met vrijdag)
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Openingstijden tijdens tentoonstellingen:
(Bekijk ons Programma)
Donderdag: 13:00 – 21:00
Vrijdag: 13:00 – 18:00
Zaterdag: 13:00 – 18:00
Zondag: 13:00 – 18:00
Speciale dagen:
Pasen (Zo 20-4-2025): Gesloten
Pinksteren (Zo 8-6-2025): Gesloten
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