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DGC Francois Lemieux and Robin Simons


01/03/2008 –
– 01/04

Francois Lemieux and Robin Simpson, from the Canadian artists’ collective, The Discriminating Gentlemen’s Club (the DGC), from Montreal, were the first guests of the residency and they presented themselves and their work to the public as such. With the goal of ‘reintroducing the magic of the concept and the charm of the real’, they worked on what they call ‘establishing their presence’. Via manifestations shrouded in mystery they slowly made themselves known in the Dutch art scene. This esoteric artist collective has also been commissioned to assert its presence in the name of 1646 during the Kunstvlaai 7, an alternative art fair that took place from 10 to 18 May, at the Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam.

During their stay, Sarah Steeves, another member of the collective, joined the DGC lecture at 1646.


About About Francois Lemieux and Robin Simons: Francois Lemieux and Robin Simons, from the Canadian artists’ collective, The Discriminating Gentlemen’s Club (the DGC), from Montreal, were the first guests of the residency and they presented themselves and their work to the public as such. With the goal of ‘reintroducing the magic of the concept and the charm of the real’, they worked on what they call ‘establishing their presence’. Via manifestations shrouded in mystery they slowly made themselves known in the Dutch art scene. This esoteric artist collective has also been commissioned to assert its presence in the name of 1646 during the Kunstvlaai 7, an alternative art fair that took place from 10 to 18 May, in the Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam.


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