The exhibition Francis Ponge is a collage of works paying tribute to Ola Vasiljeva’ s inspirations; drawn from classical literature, historical figures/events, pop- and subcultures.
With a surreal feel for assembling sources, Vasiljeva creates and curates a magical juxtaposition of fragments inspired, taken or borrowed from the obscure corners of the world.
A sense of estrangement, influenced by a northern inherited melancholy, allows her works to achieve both a poetic and humoristic quality. Thoreau’s Walden comes to mind, as the works distance themselves from the real world to possibly find new truths. It’s a search into the unknown, delving into what we don’t completely understand. At the same time, the existence of a truth is inevitable, made apparent by the consistency and sincerity of her works.
Vasiljeva works in a wide range of media such as drawing, printed matter, video, music, textiles, sculpture and found objects. Included in this project is a series of choreography videos, on which she collaborated with performers/ choreographers Farrell Dyde and Matthew Lutz-Kinoy.
Boekhorststraat 125
2512 CN The Hague
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 70 212 58 60
(10am – 6pm Mon – Fri)
Opening times during exhibitions:
Thursday: 13:00 – 21:00
Friday: 13:00 – 18:00
Saturday: 13:00 – 18:00
Sunday: 13:00 – 18:00
During the public holidays, we will be open on:
Good Friday: 29/03
Liberation Day: 05/05
Ascension Day: 09/05
We will be closed on:
Easter Sunday: 31/03
Pentecost: 19/05
Christmas Eve: 24/12
Check our Program.
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