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Vaast Colson

Very Good / Good / Not So Good / Bad



On June 13th Vaast Colson presented a slice of his studio in the Background Evening of his current show Very Good / Good / Not So Good / Bad. He brought books, cds, LPs, films, multiples, artworks and all kinds of paraphernalia and guided the audience through this multitude of data and stuff that he has encountered so far and that inspired or influenced him.


About Vaast Colson: Colson (1977, Belgium) lives and works in Antwerp, Belgium. He attained his MA of Arts degree in Painting at the Royal Academy of Antwerp and his Postgraduate degree in Visual Arts at AKV St. Joost in Breda, NL. Exhibitions include: 2017 – Vaast Colson, Recyclart (invited by JAP), Brussels; 2016 – Rollende Koppen (with Dennis Tyfus), Vanstenseel & De Caigny Gallery, Antwerp, BE; 2015 – Hotel Echo Tango Whisky Echo Romeo Kilo Tango, CIAP, Hasselt, BE; 2006 – Illuminanti Icone Tratte Dal Lavoro Del Giovane Maestro Fiammingo (curator: Chiara Guidi), Zonca & Zonca Gallery, Milano.


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